Genre- Food, Mecha, Adventure, Mystery, Shonen, Ecchi, Sci-Fi.
This is the much awaited third season of the anime “SHOKUGEKI NO SOUMA.” This season again begins where it left off in the second season and continues after the facts of the Autumn Festival.
Here there are two main highlights, the first is the Moon Festival, which happens to be the festival of foods and happens to be celebrated throughout the school as annual school festival. The second main highlight is the changing of the director from Erina’s grandfather to Erina’s father Nakiri Azimi. Here he takes control of the school through a majority vote from the Elite Ten and tends to change the ways about how the school is currently running, he forms a organization inside the school called “Central” and this organization consists of the members of the Elite Ten and some members who are hand-picked by the new director himself. His ulterior motive is to shut down every restaurant and shops in Japan which serves what according to him is ‘animal feed’ and plans to bring up real restaurants which serves real gourmet food.
The season in particular does not reveal much of itself except the fact that it highlights the past of Erina and her sister. Also by the end of these 12 episodes the new director of the academy is still not changed which is a bad feature of the season but this leaves a impression that there will be a 4th Season coming up soon.
This anime is absolutely a “MUST WATCH.”