Genre- Action, Romance, Magic, Super Power, Supernatural, Comedy, School, Fantasy.
Yamada is a high school student who is known for his bad reputation on school and is also called as the biggest problem child in the school so far. He joined a school where he thought none of his pervious classmates were present and only to later realize that he was again brought into this mess of fighting as one of his classmate also decided to join this school.
But what he doesn’t know is that he would get involved in a event that he never believed was possible and also that he would be given a power to copy. He soon after falling down from a staircase and kissing a girl realizes that he has the power to change bodies with the person he kissed, but as it is later explained he has the power to copy other people’s power and use them. He soon then encounters a student council member who makes them join the supernatural studies club to help them to exchange bodies. The supernatural studies club is then taken aback to realize that there is actually a power that is within school and is granted to people who really ask for it and that there are seven such girls in this school who posses such powers. The main mystery here is that when they learn the name of the seven witch, all the other witches forget the name of the person who learned her name and any memories of that person.
The anime is overall very amazing and it does give me a reason to see a second season of it as I do want to know the reason why Yamada got this power of his, but as the anime ends we see no signs of second season being introduced and this anime contains two OVA episodes which are also worth watching as they are hilarious.
This anime is recommended for every “SUPERNATURAL” anime lover.