Next up is
Genre- Action, Super Power, Supernatural, Romance, School, Shonen, Martial Arts, Comedy.
Tandouji Alma, what are you fighting for ? Probably the most intense question and dialogue. A dialogue so deep and so fragile that this could actually have made or broken the anime. And also if you do think about it, isn't this question the only thing around which the anime actually revolves around ?
First off, so sorry for keeping such a huge gap between my reviews. It is actually because of my cold that I cannot watch and write anything properly these days. Now that its all cleared let get to the anime. The anime is a simple 'Shonen' type anime where the main story revolves around our main protagonist "Tandouji Alma" and his group of friends who use his power to defeat the supposed villains, the Dark Stones. Few years ago, a meteor crashed on Earth and with it came its debris which crash landed in many places and just to our surprise the meteor wasn't any ordinary meteor. It contained a power, so equal that it could compare to gods and when this debris hit the places it then gave supernatural powers to the objects and the people that were near it. Some called the Dark Stones, the ones that are out of control and are to be eliminated and some called the Soul Stones, the only ones who can eliminate this threat. With that being the background, our main protagonist, Tandouji Alma is a loner in high school when he is finally confronted by the girl who will save him not only from his powers but also from himself ruining his life. His life changed as a whole as he now instead of being cast aside and being left alone all the time was now suddenly being welcomes by this huge hands of happiness and friendship. And the girl that did so, Ruri Aiba, a wealthy girl and a kind friend to all, who in her own life had trouble in her past, and now to clear up and make amendments to those troubles, she finally joins in with Tandouji to save the world, him and recreate the wonders of her past. What is the past ? Find out for yourself.
Coming to the last segment, the technical. The period when there is a action and a fighting scene between the characters is actually very well choreographed. The animation at these points are top-class compared to the rest of the anime. The main suits and the layouts of Alma and all the others characters are great as well. Lastly, though this is a 'Shonen' type anime it actually makes for a very well anime in all the different genres as well, as there is just right amount of Comedy, Friendship, Romance and Seriousness. It is a anime that has a complete set, making it a whole anime not only in genres but also in story, as the anime actually finishes in its first season and leaves no mystery and doubts to us and also no hope of a second season making this anime a unique and a "whole anime."
This anime is recommended for every "Shonen" anime lover.
