Up next is
"Kyoukai no Kanata"
Genre- Action, Comedy, School, Magic, Supernatural, Super Power, Demons, Fantasy.
Past, a emotion and subdued feeling that always something that haunts, excites or inspire us are the memories that all human beings have. Be they sad or good, a past of a person actually makes up his/her future and depending on how the person treats his past self to his present and future one, the person may very well be already dead from within or feel so alive that at that particular moment nothing in all can break his spirit and self.
Kuriyama Mirai, a exterminator from a cursed blood clan is someone who like many other anime protagonist is haunted by her past. Killing someone is something that one cannot take lightly and if and when that person is close and sticky with you, the guilt and the blood of the innocent always seems to reside in your hands no matter how pleasant is your near future and present. Already belonging from a cursed clan, which is despised and hated for their supernatural and high magical powers, Kuriyama Mirai in her childhood has seen and experienced a lot, making her to finally believe that she is someone "who is not allowed to enjoy life like the others" as it is a blood of a close innocent that wets and binds her hands and makes her to live a life that is filled with only sadness and sorrow. It is not after a certain time that she comes over to a new town and meets our main protagonist of the story, Kanbara Akihito. A immortal half-demon, possessing a power so vast and huge that it is enough to destroy all of humanity and the world itself. Unlike the other anime plots and twists, this anime actually is a lot more promising as there is no secondary plots and stories attached to it and the story itself keeps a straight line and does not sway at any point. Everything in the anime is kept precise and to the point and it is because of that that the anime actually progresses at a very rapid and fast pace, it keeps the meetings and conversations to the point and helps the flashbacks of the anime to connect in present in a very interesting and helpful manner. Overall it is something that brings out the stillness and vividness of the anime making it more empowering and less chaotic and boring.
Coming to the technical aspects of the anime, the studio producing the anime does not leave any chance to impress us with its animation skills and its huge and vivid detail to each and every slide and side of the story. From the fighting scenes to conversation scenes, each and every detail in the anime is to the point and this actually makes the anime look more interesting as we see the amount of hard work that has been put into the anime and it in turn helps to enhance and solidify the anime even further. The story again is nice and crisp and this helps the anime to look more intense and supportive. In all it is something that makes the anime look more like a dramatic action movie of 12 Episodes rather than a anime.
This anime is absolutely a "MUST WATCH."