Genre- Romance, School, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Fantasy, Crime, Police, Mystery.
Here we meet Satoru who has a amazing kind of supernatural power which he name, Revival. He happens to be someone who is 29 years old in future and one day out of the blue his mother is killed, and that is the moment when he understands that the case in his childhood was never solved.
When he was a child three children where murdered with two being girls and one being a male who happened to be his close friend. The police soon arrested a a guy named Yuuki who also happens to be the only person Satoru was close to. This power of his is amazing as he goes back to the past one to five minutes before some crazy accident or incident is about to occur. But the one when his mother was murdered was the biggest one yet, where he went back to the past of him being in his elementary school and as soon as he went back he had realized that the murder of his mom and all those three children who soon in future became his close friends was connected. He once failed to prevent the murder of these children from happening, but when he was given a second chance he knew that this was his last. Upon thinking that he changed the future, where the innocent Yuuki world not be captured, mom world not be killed and his three dear friends would not be murdered, he breathed a sigh of relief only to find that the murder he was chasing after was all along with him, always right beside him waiting for a chance to get Satoru all alone.
This anime is really freaky and will leave you in a feeling where you may wonder who the murderer is but again will fall back a few steps. It is really interesting because it does not only revolve around the past or the future but keeps going back and fourth which keeps the viewers interested and also leaves us in suspense as to what steps will Satoru take next.
This anime is recommended for every 'MYSTERY" anime lover.