Genre- Action, Harem, Ecchi, Adventure, Super Power, Supernatural, Samurai, Military, Mecha.
Akatsuki Kojou now being turned to a immortal vampire has been chosen as the Fourth Progenitor and Himeragi Yukina, the Sword Shaman of the Lion King Organization has been sent to observe him and if need be kill him.
As the story being we see that our main protagonist, Akatsuki Kojou is now the world's strongest vampire who is alive and his normal day to day life as a human has been completely demolished. Yukina being by his side makes him a almost unstoppable person and as the story progresses we see him going on to many unpredictable battles which not only puts his life in danger but also his comrades and as we see to awaken the Familiars inside of him first his Vampire urges has to be awaken and then the blood of the person in front of him as to be delivered to him in order to make one of his Familiar get unchained. We see that he is a man of high caliber and is a person who cannot risk of putting his comrades into harms way and will do everything in his power to save and protect them.
The anime does end with a great conclusion and gives us a keen interest in looking forward to its second season but again as it checks out there will be not second season and the season that is aired as "STRIKE THE BLOOD II" is a OVA series and not a TV series which is a bummer after such a fantastic first season.
This anime is recommended for every "ACTION" anime lover.