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Genre- Adventure, Mystery, Romance, Drama, Shoujo, Sci-Fi.

Let's talk about one of the most mind-twisting anime that one can ever see in his/her life. Filled with unexpected turns and twists throughout the anime, it goes on to tell us about the beautiful romance between Setsuna and Rinne. How one event changes another and gives us a chance to fix what's ahead, this is an anime that talks literally about that.

The anime can be compared highly with "Erased" and a movie called "Predestination" as it talks about a story that is related to a time-traveler named Setsuna and how he goes on to change the events of his life when he one day suddenly washes up ashore on an island having lost all his memories and past. Though the anime progresses slowly at first and even takes up a hell of a ride after the 8th Episode, it still goes on to unveil many secrets at each episode, leaving us with headaches and pain by the end of it. The end of each episode seems like a cliffhanger which just gets us more excited to know more about the story by watching the remaining episodes. Compiled with a beautiful start and a totally unexpected ending, this is an anime that hits the ranks when it comes down to surprising you with its plot.

Though it has many good points from, amazing visuals and animations to a serene plot and story, it also has a downside to it as things in the anime take too long to progress as the main story of time travel doesn't actually take a hint and begin after the 5th Episode and during this time we also experience lots of things which may seem useless at first but count as an important note in the end. Overall, this is an anime that will have you at the edge of your seat provided that you have the patience to watch through it all.

This anime is recommended for every "MYSTERY" anime lover.

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