Up next is
Genre- Shounen, Ecchi, Comedy, School, Magic, Supernatural, Fantasy.
In terms of existence and the kinds of entities that are out there, you can say that Demons rank as the most fearful. And when 'Alto Goldfield summons Vermeil, the most powerful demon out there, you can be sure that things are going to take a turn. With high dreams of becoming the most powerful Mage in the world, Alto gets on to his journey of becoming a Platinum Square after summoning Vermeil as his familiar.
The main plot of the anime remains pretty basic right from the start, where we have an MC who is pretty bad at practical magic and summoning but after encountering a book in the library, and summoning Vermeil, he suddenly awakens a power that makes him the strongest. With high goals and him being in love with his familiar, he now takes it upon himself to become the strongest in the world so that he can protect a demon like her and if people ever oppose and bully her. Other than this, we have our usual villain crew that messes things up from time to time and this acts as the main act that progresses the anime i.e., makes Alto stronger.
Overall, the anime is pretty basic for any fantasy anime and if you are a fan of fanservice and/or if you want a break from your usual serious and dramatic anime, then I suggest that this is the anime to look forward to. It has a pretty decent animation to it, as it peaks up at times of fanservice and remains low at times of general chattery.
This anime is recommended for every "FANTASY" anime lover.