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Genre- Action, Adventure, Isekai, Magic, Fantasy.

Kelvin is our reincarnated MC in this anime. With his untimely death back on Earth due to a god's mistake, he is reincarnated as an adventurer in a new world, but unlike our other MCs that remember all about their past lives, Kelvin exchanges his memories for skill points so that he can maximize his new life as an adventurer.

Being an insane battle junkie that loves strong foes and new opponents, Kelvin hastily adapts to this new world. And having the skill of a summoner and a reincarnated hero that really boosts his abilities, he becomes a one-of-a-kind adventurer that really has it all. From a standard viewpoint, it is a pretty good anime that you can give a watch but, if you were to dive deep into its storyline, animation, and everything in between, this anime seems similar to those 100 Isekai anime that gets released every year. From throwing a shadow at 'Efil' even though she is the lead female protagonist to not revealing any of the backstories on Kelvin's past, this anime brings to you nothing but a cliche plot with bad descriptions of side characters.

Coming to the animation, this anime feels more like a troll than anything else, as it mixes the art of anime and 3D gaming. One moment you have them strolling, fighting, and adventuring deep into the unknown, and the next thing you know, the whole anime's been changed to 'Genshin Impact' with super bad lip-syncing and even worse fighting scenes.

This anime is recommended for every "FANTASY" anime lover.

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