Up next is
Genre- Action, Super Power, Supernatural, Comedy, Fantasy, Demons, Shounen.
Among the many things in life that haunt us till death, one of them can be said to the last request that someone asks of us at their deathbed. Inspiring Itadori Yuuji towards a change and becoming a source of fuel that helps him get stronger, his grandfather's last advice for him was to save as many people as he could, because unlike others Yuuji is strong and can be the beacon that saves everyone.
Following this piece of advice and heading straight on, the story of our protagonist starts by him becoming a Jujutsu Sorceror. There are curses everywhere, and as long as humans seem to exist there will always be things that they are afraid of and things that bring out their negative emotions. These are the emotions that serve as a base for the curses go on to give them form and shape, bringing them into reality as cursed spirits. Having encountered one of the cursed items unknowingly, called "Sukuna's Finger", Itadori Yuuji becomes a vessel that is all feared, adored, and respected at the same time. Manifesting himself back to the living world, the King of Curses is now able to live inside of Itadori Yuuji but with some imperfections. Throughout the anime, we see how our protagonist along with his seniors, teachers, and classmates goes on to become a strong individual on his own rather than depending on the power of Sukuna to help him out if things ever get tough. Prioritizing the life of others above his own and getting stronger in the process, we see Yuuji taking a step closer to the last request made by his grandfather.
The technical side of the anime too fairs well, as it has great animation and an even greater back story to every character and scene in the anime. This side of the anime really helps to lift it by ten folds as it gives us a detailed description of what a character feels at the moment and the animation along with post-production just compliments it with refinement during action scenes and classic animation during all others. Though with all the technical terms it does come off as an anime that is hard to understand, it still is anime that deserves second and many more seasons because of its fresh concept, and as its vocabulary is something you can get used to after a certain period of time.
This anime is absolutely a "MUST WATCH."
