Up next is
Genre- Slice of Life, Comedy, Adventure, Seinen.
Having to rely on yourself and taking care of others is not an easy task but in this anime that is just what is shown. Taking a really different approach from other animes that we have seen this one in particular shows how knowledge and intellect with experience may at times just save a person's life.
Giving us an out the blue plots that we mostly make animes like these fun, this anime too comes under the same category if we talk about how all this really began. Though we do not have a proper backstory to what really lead to all this in the first place, you can be sure that you won't require any by the time you reach the end. To describe it in all fairness, this anime has an approach like that of "How heavy are the dumbells that you lift?", with the main difference being the objective that the anime tries to teach us. "Are you lost?" focuses on teaching us about survival facts and their routes, a plot so well mixed with the overall comedy that it even portrays some of the crucial parts in a disgustingly funny and humorous manner.
Though it may not take a total leap from what we are used to watching in anime, I can at least tell you that this will not disappoint you at any moment in time. With its simplistic animation and detailed research about surviving in the wild, not to forget the ongoing hilarious scenes in every 12-minute episode, this is an anime that will totally keep you entertained.
This anime is recommended for every "ADVENTURE" anime lover.