Up next is
Genre- Supernatural, Fantasy, Comedy, Slice of Life, Shounen, Shojo, Mystery, Sci-Fi.
Just when you think that the industry of anime cannot surprise and give you more, they come up with an anime that literally sends chills down your spine with every episode that you watch. A story so breathtaking and different that it basically makes all the other genres look like a joke when compared to it. This is an anime that tells you about the everyday thing that we take for granted. An evolution process so big that it took us two million years to reach where we are now. A sentimental yet comedy filled story of a young boy who said that he ‘wanted to go to space immediately’ is what depicted here.
The main plot of the anime is really simple and the way how the creators and producers made it through all the animation is something that is really crafty. ‘Time’ is something that is not really a friend or a foe, it is something that belongs to mother nature and is thus, partial to everyone be they the biggest and the strongest fighter or the biggest brain-head filled with knowledge. Here you get to see just how much of an impact time really has on our lives. What would happen the day humanity had to start all over from day one to rebuild civilization and bring about modernization? What would happen the day when all the luxury and tech would just revert back to the old times, a time where everything related to science would seem sorcery? This is something that we get a gist of when we watch the anime. It tells us a lot that there is to know from all the ‘kingdom of science’ and also of the ways how it changed our lives from smallest of the heavy-liftings to the biggest of the things like making a cell-phone or an anti-biotic drug. Though it may seem that the story gets boring during all this, I assure you that this is something that never happens in the anime. The story here is written in such a way that it does not get spoil no matter the kind of situation that is thrown at our protagonist. Just the simple presence of our opposition is enough to make the story stick to where it is and to multiply that to a hundred, here the anime brings to you instances that may seem impossible at the time making the anime more intriguing and interesting to watch.
Not to give any more spoilers any further, this is an anime that really shows you the essence of the luxury that we now have and tells you a story of a son and father on their own road to modernization and upgraded civilization. The other thing that makes the anime more elevated is the use of animation throughout the anime, where it suddenly takes a shift from normal animation to that of a manga style making it more rustic and original in nature. To also implement such frames per second (FPS) it also makes the anime more fluid and softer making it completer and more appealing when we finally watch it.
This anime is absolutely a “MUST WATCH.”