Genre- Comedy, School, Mystery, Slice of Life, Mystery, Harem.
Ichijou Raku is a guy who on his first day of school meets a young but violent girl called Kirisaki. He despises her only to later find out that these two have to fake their relationship for three long years as both their fathers are gangsters and if they don't do what told a war may break out.
The act goes on well until Kirisaki's main bodyguard Claude suspect their relationship and gets on with spying on them. They know that they have to take it to the next level of acting for making him believe but the problem is that Ichijou actually loves Onodera who happens to be in his class and thinks that by this act of theirs she might get the wrong idea about them. But the main twist here however is that this boy Ichijou, when he was small made a promise with a girl and according to their promise he was given a lock and that girl had the key and so on they promised that whenever later they meet up they would open this lock and if it so opened they would get married. There is another twist in this story and that is that he happens to meet three girls when he was small, one being Onodera, second being Kirisaki and the third being Marika Tachibana whom he claims to have never met before until when she speaks in her accent and he finds a photo of her and him in his basement, and due to surprise all three of these girls have a key when may open this lock of his and decide his fate further. This story of the lock is never solved though and this is something that gives us hope of a second season.
This anime is a romantic comedy and does not fail to make you laugh and the twist in the story is very amazing leaving the viewer to see more of it and know the story further.
This anime is absolutely a "MUST WATCH."