Genre- Comedy, Romance,School, Supernatural, Super Power, Fantasy, Harem.
Baka meaning 'idiot' in Japanese. And as the name suggest this is exactly what it is, the school life which is divided into different sections based on students and their ranking in tests.
But oh boy this is not just any other ordinary high school but it is a lot more like a battlefield in itself. Here they use a special ranking system and technology. Here the students are divided in sections from A-F and as you may have guessed it A are the highest ranking students while F's are the lowest ranked people. The school uses a system of beings who are 3rd dimensional cartoon characters of a user. The students actually have to give exams and these are the exams that decide on whether they have enough point as a class to hold a battle called ESB. Here they can challenge any other section to have a battle with their Beings and if the lower ranking section wins they can exchange the furniture and the class itself. The season unrolls with the students taking their placement exams in their middle school where one girl suddenly falls ill and having gained zero in exam comes to F section where as she should be in the A section. The story thus beings of the idiot named Yoshii and his own harem.
This said the anime is highly comedy and lives up to it reputation and its name BAKA AND TEST. The anime does not fail to make people laugh and also it gives us the message that grades are not all that matter.
This anime is absolutely a "MUST WATCH."