Next up is
Genre- Action, Army, Magic, Fantasy, Demon, Ecchi, Comedy, Psychological, Romance.
What do you call an anime which has a most detailed and the most thought out plot and story? The answer is simply, a double-edged sword. Where if you make even a simple mistake in any way the anime progresses and formulates till the end, the whole of the anime can be called a “MISTAKE” itself. Why did I start with these lines? Its simply to tell you just how finely shaped this anime was.
Firstly, the most amazing thing in the anime is that they do not under not circumstances reveal the name of any characters in the story. All you know them is by their titles, like, ‘Hero’ is called ‘Hero’, ‘Demon King’ is called the ‘Demon King’ or the ‘Crimson Scholar’ and not only them but all the other characters in the anime as well like the Head Maid, The Serfs Sisters, The Villagers, The Priest and the others as well. To do that with an anime with it being over 12 Episodes long and to not reveal a single name in any circumstances it is truly commendable and amazing. Secondly, the way how the anime expresses its feelings and emotions are top notch. Though the animation is not of high quality or of any great importance if you compare to rest of the anime alongside it, but it you simply compare the way how the anime expresses its feelings and emotions in all the Episodes and generic scenes and dialogues you can very well make out that the anime does not fall behind whatsoever in expressing and reaching out its feelings. A very great example of this can very well be taken from ‘The Elder Serf Sister’s’ “I Am Human Speech” during the 9th Episode, and the way in which it moved me, I can definitely say that no other speech in any anime that can be so empowering and touching. Lastly, the way the anime is planned and executed is just amazing, it kind of reminds me of the “FATE SERIES, (mainly FATE STAY NIGHT- UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS)” because of the psychological aspect that is present in the anime and the twisted way in which whole of the anime progresses and develops. It is true that many times because of the hard and twisted tongue that they use in it, it does become hard to understand and due to it we do have to visit some previous parts back, but again that too supports it psychological aspect in how this anime is mind twisting and great with its story line.
Why I haven’t talked at all about the detail and the story of the anime? It’s because that is something, I may not be able to explain and properly make you understand as even I only just got a gist of it as I was busy admiring just how amazing the anime actually was. Its probably not even a question that the anime belongs to “PSYCHOLOGICAL” genre, but if possible I would actually want to give it a full suited “ROMANCE” genre, as here we see just how much sacrifice is made for love and love alone.
This anime is recommended for every “PSYCHOLOGICAL” anime lover.
