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Genre- Action, Magic, Fantasy, Supernatural, Comedy, Harem.

What really is great about this season is the fact there is a second season itself. It is mostly that anime with 10 Episodes do not air their second season but the fact that the team producing ‘Konosuba’ did so is something that I really appreciate. The second season again brings to us another 10 Episodes of fun, action and comedy. Unlike the first season the, sequel actually has a much better animation and production value which is obviously a plus if you look at the anime and the background where it is based on.

Needless to say the anime again does not fail to make us laugh at every second and moment that we spend watching the anime. The action scenes are again very expressed and much more animated and detailed to let us feel the full flow of the action scenes that take place in the sequel. The anime here is divided into two parts of the story which is the first part related to Vanir and the second related to Hans and the Hot Spring City of Aqua. Not to spoil what is in the anime I would recommend that you rather watch it and find out beside listening to what I might say about it. To say it again the anime does not fail in being detailed in general as they creators kept the storyline to the basics and made no changes whatsoever in how the anime was progressing from the first season itself. They have very carefully taken into consideration the kind of action that they need to take to progress the anime at the rate it has been going. They only level-up a character and only give them new skill only when the time feels right and it is then that we see how the characters level-up slowly at their own pace. The other important thing that I forgot to mention here was the fact how the anime starts-off just where it had left-off in its first season, i.e., with Kazuma being accused. It is in every point in the anime that we find references and funny dialogues said by the characters, which again is very promising as the anime stuck to its grass root level and did not give up the one factor in which the anime is mostly depended on, which is its “COMEDY” factor.

The second season however short it may have been is seriously a stepping stone to the first season as in it, not only was their production level way higher but also was their detail to every part of the story that kept the anime even more interesting. Unlike the first season where they promise to bring us a second season, the second season does not actually say anything related to a third season which is kind of a bummer as the anime would have gotten far more interesting and the viewer would be far more anxious if the team producing ‘Konosuba’ gave us a little more hope that we would definitely see the four funny members of the parallel world in more seasons which are yet to come.

This anime is absolutely a “MUST WATCH.”

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