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Genre- Action, Romance, Comedy, Supernatural, Super Power, Harem, Mecha, Sci-Fi.

Sprits, beings that are the reason for ‘Spatial Quakes’ and the beings which cause nothing more than meaningless destruction and separation. It is these Spirits that are hated all over the world by human beings since they started appearing around 30 years ago. But, is that all there is to them. Are these spirits actually responsible for all the chaos that has been caused around the world throughout these 30 years in which the Spatial Quakes have been occurring. What is the truth to them and the system in which they appear out of nowhere and cause destruction is what these anime deals with.

Itsuka Shido, our main protagonist in the story seems to have an accident 25 years ago due to which he had lost most of his memories but even then he has been going through his live as normal as any high schooler would. On the day that he made his promise to his little sister is the day when his life again changed forever, it was then that he discovered his real purpose in life and then that his actual story really begins. Spirits, as said earlier are beings that cause destruction and chaos and it is now up to Shido to save them all and with them the remaining percentage of humanity which still exist even after these Spatial Quakes strike Earth’s surface again and again in such short and rapid days. It is for a strange and unknown reason that Shido and Shido only, till date in the anime has the power to seal away a Spirits power by making them fall in love with him. As amazing as it may sound, it is still a risky job as every time that Shido tries to confront a Spirit and make them fall in love with him, it is then that he is always risking his life to save theirs. The anime does not really give away much on the first season as here the Episodes are mostly about the introduction of all the characters in the story and very little action that really takes place if you look at it in a story wise manner. The pace however is very rapid and it hardly ever keeps the main story from progressing. Even after the anime being 12 Episodes short, the anime still has two very good OVA type Episodes in it. First being Episode 6, which is all about hot springs and the second being Episode 11, which is about a visit to the Ocean Park (there aqua theme park), where you get to see all the action relating to different girls in their swimsuits and bikinis.

The anime being however little detailed that it maybe, it is really impressive that the creators actually managed to not slow down the progression of the anime in anyway. It is however really surprising that they didn’t actually reveal much in the first season. There are obviously many question that exist such as, Does only Shido has the power to seal a Spirits power, does someone opposing Shido actually exist- like a person who instead of sealing actually makes a Spirit more powerful, Will Kurumi still kill Shido, who forces a Spatial Quake, who is the mastermind who controls a Spirit and forces them to awaken, who will Shido actually not be able to save, will more girls get added in ‘Shido’s Harem?’ What will happen next is something that we will only find out after we watch more of Shido and the beautiful girls that he is surrounded with.

This anime is recommended for every “SUPERNATURAL” anime lover.

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