Genre- Action, Romance, Samurai, Super Power, Supernatural, Mecha, Military, Adventure, Horror, Martial Arts, Police,Mystery.
As this season of Shingeki No Kyojin or rather commonly known as Attack On Titan unfolds we discover many hidden truth about the Titans in main, their motive, origin, how they were led to the human village, why are they attacking, who is leading them, who is the Colossal and the Armoured Titan and mainly does human race have a chance against them? These are the questions that are further answered in this season, though not fully but partly.
This season clears up many doubts and also leads us to the amazing discovery where we finally learn that the Armoured Titan and the Colossal Titan have been living with this human for a long time and to make matters worse they are the two members of the Scout Regiment. We still don’t know as to who ordered them to attack the human civilization and under whose command have they destroyed Wall Maria. We get to know the fact that Eren himself is a titan who has the coordinator to control other Titans but he himself gets to realize the fact after the attack of the titans outside Wall Rose and this brings up the question as to what will the Scout Regiment further do and to what limit will they push Eren and his friends to get to know the truth of the Titans and their origin and also what will be their next step forward to save humanity from going extinct. The anime is very promising as it does not reveal many secrets at a go which keeps the viewers interested in it for a long time and also helps to maintain the anxiety to know what would happen further in these 12 episodes. Will the Titans finally kill all of humanity or will there be a savior who will finish all the Titans once and for all.
The anime keeps the viewers interest in it for a very long time which makes it a very good anime in itself and as we close in to the end of the season we see a ray of light toward the survival of humanity and also towards the coming out of the third season.
This anime is absolutely a “MUST WATCH.”