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Genre- Romance, Shonen, Mecha, Slice of Life, Comedy, Fantasy.
In the near future humans have now successfully developed a technology whereon they can now provide humanoid artificially intelligent machines known as 'Giftias' to anyone who now desire to seek a family, friends, love, or someone they wish to spend time with. They are machines that are totally dependent on their own and are something that has a mind, heart and a body response of its own and live like just any other human, with the only drawback of it being it able to live for 9 years and 4 months.
Tsukasa Mizugaki here is someone who with his father's help is now joining the Terminal Service and is now becoming a official member of the agency that creates these Giftias and also have the job of retrieving them. On coming here Tsukasa meets up with is partner, Isla who being a Giftia is not only cute and good looking but is also a person with whom Tsukasa eventually falls in love and as it turns out our two main protagonist fall in love. The main story in this anime as many may have already guesses is the love story of Tsukasa and Isla, the story only has a little bit of a twist which happens to be that while Tsukasa can go on living Isla now has only about 2000 more hours to live whereon, she has to be later retrieved in order to make sure that she does not turn into a 'Wanderer.'
As the anime signs off in the first season we can clearly see that there are literally no hopes of another season but as they say, 'somethings are better left unfinished.' This anime is really thought out well as it takes it comedy to the point where it breaks and does not fail to make us laugh but also at the same time makes us realize that as a episode after another finishes Isla's life will soon come to an end.
This anime is recommended for every "ROMANCE" anime lover.