Genre- School Life, Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life.
Sakamoto is a perfect high school boy who is loved by all and every girl in town be it old or young are madly in love with him as everything that he does is cool and stylish. Due to this charming and cool characteristic of his, he is hated by many of his male classmates as they are all jealous of how he gets all the attention.
This anime is basically a collected story of the life of Sakamoto, which later gets together and becomes a huge part of the ending. The anime overall is very good as it is hilarious and does not sway off from the main character and this anime shows about how people need to help themselves to become someone they achieve to be. Here no one knows about how Sakamoto one day suddenly appeared in their life and who he really is, the anime never reveals his family name nor does the anime show anything related to his family or personal life and as per this the anime gets interesting as the viewer longs to find out about what is the next case Sakamoto is going to handle and what part of him will be revealed next. The ending of the anime is really sad as that particular episode speaks about the graduation of the students and as we see even though Sakamoto is in his first year he leaves the school with many memories and says that he has been invited to America to work for NASA.
The anime does not include anything about Sakamoto’s personal life and as per this we look forward to the Second Season but according to sources there will be no Second Season as the ending of the first season confirms that no story is further left to be told.
The anime is absolutely a “MUST WATCH.”